The 37th Annual Symposium
Friday 03 November 2023, Wellington Our Sector: Aviation and Aerospace in Aoteoroa As we come out of Covid and start to be faced with new challenges and opportunities, this year's symposium is focusing on the overall sector and exploring how each sector is impacted...
Wellington Branch Meeting
WHEN: Thursday 28 July 2022 at 7:00pm WHERE: Zoom, link in newsletter SUBJECT: Smart UAV Spray System SPEAKER: Scott Spooner Scott Spooner is the CTO of SPS Automation, a Christchurch based R&D company that specialises in...
2023 Symposium- Our Sector: Aviation and Aerospace in Aotearoa
Our Sector: Aviation and Aerospace in Aoteoroa DETAILS As we come out of Covid and start to be faced with new challenges and opportunities, this year's symposium is focusing on the overall sector and exploring how each sector is impacted and adapting. Each speaker...
2022 Symposium- NZ Aerospace in a Post-COVID World: Diversification, Environment & Innovation
SPEAKERS The following speakers were able to share their knowledge and insight with us, with links provided to their presentations: Keynote speaker Simeon Brown, MP National Spokesperson for Transport and the Public Service RAeS UKĀ LTCDR Richard Gearing The role of...
2021- Cancelled due to COVID
2020 Symposium – Sustaining Aviation: Economics, Technology & People
SPEAKERS The following speakers were able to share their knowledge and insight with us, with links provided to their presentations: Keynote speaker Capt David Morgan Chief Operational Integrity and Safety Officer, Air New Zealand Manager Licensing and Standards, CAA...