Nomination process
Awards Nomination Process
See the FAQ below for more information on how to nominate someone for an award.
Is eligible?
Anyone who meets the specific criteria for each award is eligible. See the list of awards and criteria here.
Can nominate?
Any individual or organization can nominate another individual or organization for an award.
The RAeS NZ Division Council and NZATL Awards Committee assess all nominations and select the successful applicants under the terms of the individual award criteria. The Divisional Council also considers nominations for Meritorious Service awards.
Are nominations/applications due?
Applications and nominations for awards can be made at any time, up to the 31 May closing date of each year.
Are awards presented?
The Awards approved for any Calendar year are usually presented at the Royal Aeronautical Society Annual Dinner, which typically follows the Annual Symposium held towards the end of the year.
To apply or nominate someone for an award, a written citation must be submitted in writing on the attached nomination form. Download the form here:
Refer to previous award citations as a guideline on how to write a nomination for a specific award. All award nominations are acknowledged and after scrutiny by the Awards Committee, successful applicants are invited to the Annual dinner to receive their award.
Note: The Royal Aeronautical Society New Zealand Division and New Zealand Aeronautical Trusts Limited reserve the right to use, publish or post data derived from RAeS lectures, symposia, awards and other activities in the normal course of their business and in appropriate context.