Latest Past Events

Jean Batten Address

9 Jean Batten Place 9 Jean Batten Place, Mt Maunganui

The 8th Jean Batten Address will comprise a dinner and presentation by Ivan Mudrovcich on the construction of the replica of the Richard Pearse aircraft which has recently been added to the aviation displays in the main Classic Flyers hangar to honour this New Zealand aviation pioneer.

The 38th Annual Symposium: Disruption and Disruptors in the Aerospace Sector

Parliament Grand Hall Molesworth Street, Pipitea, Wellington

Post Covid, the aviation sector has changed across the board and is continuing to change. This year we will hear from presenters as they discuss specific events, technologies or issues from their own part of the sector that has disrupted or is likely to disrupt the sector. Speakers KEYNOTE SPEAKER James Powell, Dawn Aerospace. Royal […]